Why if there are germs all year round do we get colds and flu mostly in winter?
The reason is our immune systems are suppressed by cold weather and we stay indoors more, closer to other people, breathing the same recycled germ-filled air.
Colds & Flu are a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract. Since there is no cure for the common cold or flu other than letting the body rid itself of the virus, the best approach is to build a healthy strong immune system as both prevention & cure. The key differences between colds & flu are:
Colds produce congestion symptoms usually restricted to the chest and head. They last between 3-10 days.
Flu is accompanied by body wide symptoms such as fever, aches and fatigue. Care must be taken not to exercise – rather rest and a good nutritional programme should be followed. Be cautious when stressed and fatigued as this can result in the cold developing into a bacterial infection. Also during times of stress, hormones are released into your body that cause the thymus gland to shrink, reducing immunity activity. So be sure to implement stress coping tools into your daily life.
Contrary to popular belief the latest research regarding Echinacea shows little benefit in treating the common cold. The study was conducted by the Wisconsin School of Medicine and found that Echinacea doesn’t decrease the severity of colds by a large amount. The study had a group on Echinacea and a group on a placebo. The colds lasted on average only half a day less with the study group who took Echinacea, compared to those on the placebo.
Top tips
Invest in Zinc.
According to the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, numerous studies revealed that within 24 hours of the first signs of a cold, the infection can be cut short by a day or more and the severity of the symptoms reduced just by taking zinc. Zinc lozenges cut the duration of the cold from seven to four days and reduced coughing from five to two.
Eat lightly – steamed vegetables, soups & broths.
Stay hydrated, which helps to flush toxins from the body.
Green tea can prevent infection of either the A or B strain of influenza (2-5 cups daily).
Add ginger, cayenne, garlic & onions into your diet – they help the body to expel the viral infection quicker.
Chicken soup is an old fashioned favourite.
Avoid sugar which depresses the immune system & decreases the number of white blood cells.
Inhale essential oils of eucalyptus & peppermint lavender & tea tree to ease the airways.
Siberian Ginseng has been shown to reduce the incidence of infection by over 95% if taken 8 weeks before the start of the cold season.
Do not take Essential Fatty Acids during flu attacks – these oils are anti-inflammatory and inflammatory reactions are necessary to clear the virus from the body.
Suppressing sneezes & mucous lengthens the time the body needs to expel the virus (the virus is expelled into the nasal discharge) so never take medication to dry this up.
Saline nasal sprays help with nasal decongestion.
Simply Natural Approaches to boosting your Immune System
Zinc 55mg/day is the number one winner to beat a cold
Vitamin C 2000 – 4000 g/day (Ester C)
Olive Leaf Extract 500 – 1000mg twice daily
Propolis tincture – used as a gargle prevents bacteria from multiplying.
Cats claw – a powerful anti viral, anti-oxidant and immune boosting agent 2 -6grms a day when fighting an infection.
Ginger tea for sore throats with cinnamon and honey
Garlic, anti-viral anti-fungal, 2-4 fresh cloves a day
Vitamin D 1000 – 2000iu daily for a healthy immune system.
Black Walnut Hull – 2 caps daily, as per Dr Clark’s protocol.
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